Open House and Kite Festival, Blue Hill Weather Observatory, summit of Great Blue Hill. May 3, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Annual event features information on the history of the oldest continuously operating weather observatory in the country. Activities include rooftop viewing, weather demonstrations, kite-making and kite-flying, easy activities for children, weather exhibits, lectures, displays, and self-guided tours of the weather observatory. To access the activities at the observatory, walk/hike the 1-mile route to the summit. Free parking at the Trailside Museum south parking lot near the Blue Hill Ski Area on Route 138 in Milton. Free, but nominal fee for some activities. 617-696-0562.
MHS Bulletin for 05.02.08
- Students taking the SAT I/II tomorrow must bring two #2 pencils, their admission ticket, a photo ID, and a calculator. Students will be admitted to the building at 7:45 am. Please check your admission ticket for the test center; some MHS students may have been assigned to test sites other than MHS.
- Attention Seniors: Your caps and gowns are here! You will receive them at the senior breakfast but it’s important to pay for them as soon as possible. The price is $20 for the next 2 weeks. Please pay Ms. McDonough in Room 118 as soon as you can before the price goes up. Cash or check. Make checks payable to MHS.
- Senior Prom tickets will be on sale beginning Monday, May 5th before and after school in Ms. Diegoli’s room (116). The last day to buy tickets will be Friday, May 16th. Tickets are $50 per person.
- Scholastic Honors Night originally scheduled for Thursday, May 8 has been postponed. The new date is Wednesday, May 21. All students who have been invited are asked to advise your parents of this date change.
- Extra books??? The National Honor Society will be holding a Book Drive May 5 through May 9 (M-F). There will be a bin in the front office to drop off any new or used books. Donations will go to the children and mothers of St. Mary’s homeless shelter and their education center in Dorchester. Both children’s and adult books would be appreciated. Please see Mr. Cooper with any questions. Thank you.
MHS Bulletin for 05.01.08
- ATTENTION SENIORS: Your caps and gowns are here! You will receive them at the senior breakfast but it’s important to pay for them as soon as possible. The price is $20 for the next 2 weeks. Please pay Ms. McDonough in Room 118 as soon as you can before the price goes up. Cash or check. Make checks payable to MHS.
- Senior Prom tickets will be on sale beginning Monday, May 5th before and after school in Ms. Diegoli’s room (116). The last day to buy tickets will be Friday, May 16th. Tickets are $50 per person.
- Scholastic Honors Night originally scheduled for Thursday, May 8 has been postponed. The new date is Wednesday, May 21. All students who have been invited are asked to advise your parents of this date change.
- Extra books??? The National Honor Society will be holding a Book Drive May 5 through May 9 (M-F). There will be a bin in the front office to drop off any new or used books. Donations will go to the children and mothers of St. Mary’s homeless shelter and their education center in Dorchester. Both children’s and adult books would be appreciated. Please see Mr. Cooper with any questions. Thank you.
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draft: State weighs new student-achievement goal
from The Boston Globe
Massachusetts education officials are considering a new student-achievement benchmark that they hope will be more attainable than a nearly decade-old federal requirement that has fallen out of favor under the Obama administration. (Read the full story here.)