Meeting notes: Selectmen 05.27.10 – RCN Proposes License Transfer to Abrey Partners Inc.

Tom Steele, VP and Regulatory Council for RCN and Attorney, Steve W. Wells, representing Abrey Partners, Inc sat before the Board of Selectmen last night to outline the proposed license transfer of RCN to Abrey Partners Inc.

Attorney Wells explained that not much would change in the way of RCN’s operations. The employees and infrastructure would remain much ththe same. Boston-based RCN has lacked the necessary capital to keep pace with Comcast. An injection of capital would help RCN upgrade its new “Triple Play” service, offering totally digital Cable, Internet and phone service to Milton Residents.

Peter Epstein, Legal Council for Milton and Paul Yovino of the Milton Broadband Monitoring Committee questioned the motives of the buyout and whether or not RCN would be able to continue offering competitive services and grow their subscriber base. RCN had expected to capture a 30% share of Milton cable subscribers. They currently provide service to a little more than 600 households – around 8% of the market.

RCN expects the injection of capital and the new service rollout to increase their share to a satisfactory level. The Board of Selectmen will meet on Monday June 9, 2010 to decide whether or not to accept the terms of the deal.

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