Opposition to wind turbine = claptrap

Commentary by Frank Schroth

clap·trap Pronunciation: \?klap-?trap\ Function: noun : pretentious nonsense

In a front page story of last week’s Milton Times,Charles “Chick” Geilich, a partner with Quarry Hill Partners, says “his  firm is greatly troubled by the plan [to erect a wind turbine]. ‘We are concerned,’ he said. ‘We think it will destroy the Blue Hills and it will destroy our business.'” The story goes on to say, “Geilich charged that the giant turbine would destroy the “beautiful vistas” enjoyed by patrons of the 27-hole golf course and its restaurant, the Tavern at Quarry Hills. Its very presence will ‘destroy’ the ambience of the setting, he said, while the noise, flicker and shadow it generates will be a distraction for golfers.”

You have got to be kidding me.

It is hard to fault a businessman who is simply advocating for what is in the best interests of is business. But it is extraordinarily surprising these business partners who had such a vision for what their golf course can be are so blind to the vision and opportunity that this turbine presents to our town. Are they really suggesting that we sacrafice everything this turbine represents because it will inconvenience someone’s tee shot? Do you think it is possible that a golfer standing in the tee box might look up and say, “Wow, look at that!” They may not view it as a nuisance but a marvel. It should be noted that according to the story in the Times the turbine only comes into play on two of the courses 27 holes.

Look, they built a beautiful golf course and it was recently honored as such (see post here). But from most accounts they also received a great deal from the town and did some very smart negotiating all around. Suffice to say they were not at the short end of the stick where the big dig was concerned. More power to them. But this turbine needs to go where the Committee that was appointed to develop and implement this said it is going to go. Richard Kleiman and the Wind Energy Committee did a thorough job and it is further claptrap to suggest as Mr. Geilich does, that this was rushed.

The reality is that this is a potentially fantastic source of energy and will provide desperately needed revenue for the town.

Further and equally important, it is an opportunity for Milton to demonstrate  a leadership position in the use of green technology on the south shore. This turbine has the potential to be a substantial point of pride for Milton. We look forward to it and think it would reflect much better upon the Quarry Hill Partners if they fully endorsed it, acknowledging the promise it holds for the community at large in which they are partially located, rather than their self interest.

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