Nice Job Milton Gardeners!

The two Milton Garden Clubs both have arrangements on display at the Museum of Fine Arts “Art in Bloom” exhibit and here they are.

The one on the left from the Milton Garden Club was arranged by Joan Faulkner with assistance from Mary McLaughlin. The one on the right from the Amateur Gardeners of Milton was arranged by Kristine Doherty with assistance from Joan Gallery.

We understand that Art in Bloom was pioneered at the MFA. It is now a featured exhibit at museums nationwide. I was recently in San Diego where thier local art museum was about to unveil their exhibit.

Art in Bloom invites garden clubs from all over the Boston area to contribute arrangements that mirror, reflect, or capture the spirit of a work of art. We understand the garden clubs are assigned a particular piece. And this is what makes it so much fun. The piece the Garden Club of Milton had to work with was a necklace from the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds were a prominent banking family with a significant collection of art and antiques that had been seized by the Nazis. The necklaces were spectacular. Here is a close up of the arrangement.


The Amateur Gardeners may have had the more challenging assignment. They were given “Two Palace Posts.” These were long carved wooden posts from a village in Nigeria. You can view an image of the posts and learn more about them here. Translating that into a floral arrangement is no easy task. Here is a close up of their arrangement. You can still catch the display this morning. The exhibit is up through the 27th.


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