Meeting notes: Board of Selectmen 09.24.09

Following are some highlights from the Board of Selectmen’s meeting of 09.24.09:

Street lights to come back on: The public works initiative of turning off half to the town’s street lights in an effort to save money is not working out as hoped. A range of issues have surfaced not the least of which is a flood of calls to the Selectmen’s office. With this effort underway and the days shortening, the town is realizing that a number of street lights were burned out. Shields stated his opinion, “I recommend we abandon ship on this.” The Selectmen voted to reverse course.

Ingrid Shaffer interim Library Trustee: The Library Trustees appeared before the board to seek approval on their nominee, Ingrid Shaffer as interim trustee to fill the seat vacated by Robert Varnerin. Barbara Mason was the lone library trustee vote against Shaffer. She explained that this was not because she felt Shaffer unqualified but that she believed seating someone from East Milton would have been a nice gesture. Shaffer ran for the office in the last election. The Board of Selectmen approved the Trustees recommendation. Congratulations Ingrid!

Cupcakes!: Bill Clark of the Planning Office gave an update on various developments around town. These include the wind turbine, Temple Shalom, Governor Stoughton land etc. The turbine is moving forward. the Temple Shalom development has been a long, ongoing process that is before the Planning Board (search on Temple Shalom for updates on this), a presentation on Gov Stoughton land is tentatively scheduled for November. In addition:  1) a cupcake shop will be going into the Fallon building on Central avenue. They are hopeful of opening before the holidays. 2) the Hendries building is in limbo. The owner submitted a new plan that was substantially different from what the Planning Board had initially seen. The Planning Board took exception to that. There has been no movement. Fagan spoke for many residents when she stated she found this, “very frustrating.”

More bike racks: Mr. Clark also reported that the town will receive 20 more bike racks. They will be installed at the central branch of the library and various business districts. They should be available by November.

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