Snowy Owls to Saw-Whet Owls to be presented by Norman Smith, Director of the Blue Hills Trailside Museum on Thursday, January 29, 2015, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Come and learn all about Snowy Owls, including their incredible winter migrations, why so many of them fly to Logan Airport, what hazards they face, and what you can do to ensure the survival of this and other species of owls. Since 1981, Norman Smith, the Director of Trailside Museum, has spent countless hours in every weather condition studying, rescuing and safely releasing Snowy Owls while collecting fascinating information about their behavior. Find out how this project developed to include research on Massachusetts’ smallest owl, the Saw-Whet. Suitable for ages 8 and up, registration is not required. Members $5, nonmembers $7. Trailside Museum, 1904 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA 02186. For further information please visit or call (617) 333-0690 ex. 226.