Dear 3 Blind Mice, please respect our children

by Frank Schroth – updated 11/04/14 @ 5:45pm

We’ve learned that these drivers, at least the cars they are registered to, are all from out of town.

An East Milton resident recently filmed three vehicles over the past several days illegally passing a school bus with its flashers on and stop sign displayed at the Squantum & Denmark bus stop. Whether a momentary moment of distraction or a flagrant disregard for the law and public safety we do not know; but we share the parent’s concern. The MPD have been informed. In all 3 photos you can see the bus flashers. Click on an image for a larger view. View the videos here. Click “read more” for info on fines and safety. (photo clips used with permission)

from KGB Answers

There is a $250 fine the first time you illegally passing a school bus in the state of Massachusetts.

Illegally passing a school bus for the second time will result in a $500 to $1,000 fine. A third or subsequent offense carries a fine of $1,000 to $2,000. A second conviction or third or subsequent conviction may result in a suspended license.

Massachusetts law requires drivers to stay at least 100 feet behind a school bus at all times. Yellow flashing lights signal the bus is slowing down to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended arm indicate the bus is stopped to let children on or off. Do not start driving again until the stop arm folds back up and the bus starts moving.

The Governor’s Highway Safety Association offers 10 tips for managing some of the most common driving distractions.

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