“Missing in Action” is topic at Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

In honor of Veterans Day, Mr. Neil Canner will relate his father’s experience in World War II as guest speaker at the next Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills Brunch Speaker Series on Sunday, Nov. 9th, at the Pierce Middle School in Milton. The full title of Mr. Canner’s talk is “70 Years Ago – Missing in Action with the French Resistance.”

November 11 is Veterans Day, a time for remembrance of the dedicated service men and women who help maintain our freedom and way of life. In honor of the soldiers who triumphed in World War II – and one particular Jewish hero – Mr. Canner will tell his father’s story. He was a fighter pilot who saw action on D-Day and was shot down behind enemy lines. The story of his survival, reported in local newspapers and soon to be told in book form, is both fascinating and inspirational

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills, formerly Temples Shalom of Milton and Beth El of Quincy, invites the public to its Brunch Speaker Series, which begins at 10:15 AM, with the speaker starting at approximately 11 AM. A $5 donation for the brunch is requested to defray food costs, and a call or email to the congregation office is required for planning. The speaker portion can be attended for free.

Beth Shalom’s brunches are currently held at the Pierce Middle School cafeteria, 451 Central Avenue (entrance on Brook Road), Milton. For more information, please call 617-698-3394 or email: office@BethShalomBlueHills.org.

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