A comment on comments

by Frank Schroth

Who’s Charlie Subban?

Yesterday afternoon, a comment was published by Charlie who raised some interesting points regarding the status of the Ulin rink and its management. It was challenging, questioning, and thoughtful. But there was a problem with it. Charlie may not be real.

The policy of this web site is to publish only comments from individuals who use their real, full names. The comment in question received the benefit of the doubt while  time was spent determining if, in fact, there is a Charlie Subban. There is no record of him to be found anywhere here in Milton. No one in town knows him but some offered a guess as to who it is and that is part of the problem. Innocent people are being tagged for saying things they didn’t say. This is a natural consequence of anonymous comments in a small community. So, the comment was removed. Maybe Charlie is from out of town. If so, he sure knows a lot about the Ulin rink and Milton hockey.

It is understandable that people have things they want to say and seek to say  anonymously, because of where they work, who they work or interact with, etc. But comments lose credibility if there is no one standing behind them. Occasionally, a reasonable comment will be the casualty of this policy. Conversely, inane comments may appear as long as someone takes responsibility for them.

Residents have smart, informed, and interesting things to say. At times clarifications are made, mistakes and misstatements are corrected. Comments have been made by our elected representatives, state officials, and residents with subject matter expertise or experience in a particular field or on a specific issue. There is a clear public benefit to enabling and encouraging public dialogue on issues and concerns of the community but real names are required. People own what they say.

  1 comment for “A comment on comments

  1. Peter Mullen
    September 5, 2014 at 11:40 am

    I am not Charlie Subban, but did read his comment on Ulin rink. I agree with your policy of not allowing completely anonymous comments on your site.
    Here are my thoughts on about the discussion at the Selectman’s Meeting on Tuesday night regarding the Ulin Rink:

    As a member of the Friends of Ulin rink group, it is disheartening to listen to unsubstantiated comments by our town leadership regarding the continued financial losses of the Ulin Rink. It is harder to listen to comments that I know first hand are not true.

    It is easy to make a statement that the rink cannot maintain sustainability without increasing rates for our youth programs. The facts are that most DCR rinks in the area are not losing money. Has the town contacted DCR to see how the Ulin Rink is operating compared to others? Has the town performed an audit of the rink?

    My profession is accounting. I have studied the latest Curry income statement. I have also read Curry College’s initial pro forma that they submitted in responding to the Town of Milton’s RFP in 2010.
    One of the many questions that I have concerns the electric bill at the Ulin rink.
    DCR’s yearly electric bill prior to the town of Milton obtaining the permit to operate the rink was $142,395 (per Curry College’s pro forma).
    Once Curry received the management contract to operate the rink, they invested about $100,000 insulating the Ulin rink.
    Per Curry’s original pro forma, the projected cost for electricity for fiscal year 2013 was $64,313. The actual cost for fiscal year 2013, per Curry’s income statement, was $131,907.
    I have not heard one statement at a Selectman’s meeting regarding the electric costs at the rink.

    Since Curry has taken over the management of the Ulin rink, Milton Youth Hockey has been charged an “energy surcharge”, on top of the $175 per hour rate. In my opinion, and contrary to Bill Clarke’s comments, this is a rate increase.
    Two of my colleague’s of the “Friends of Ulin Rink” were at a Milton Youth Hockey Board meeting in which Tom Hurley (Selectman), Annemarie Fagan (Town Administrator) and Bill Clarke (Town Planner) attended. Tom Hurley and Bill Clarke stated at the meeting that DCR was increasing rates “across the board” for youth hockey organizations to $200 an hour.

    Contrary to Bill Clarke’s comment that Milton Youth Hockey has ”first preference on selection of hours”, Milton Youth Hockey was not able to purchase any additional “available ice” at the Ulin rink to accommodate the needs of their program and purchased additional hours at the Murphy rink in South Boston. The contracted price of the ice per hour at the Murphy rink is $175.
    What happened to the “across the board” rate increase to $200?

    The contracts that the Town of Milton signed with Curry College are full of questions.

    The main point is that someone from our Town leadership team changed a very important paragraph in the second contract that was signed between the Town of Milton and Curry College. The second contract gives the General Manager (Curry) of the rink “sole discretion” in the allocation of ice time.

    This paragraph replaced a paragraph in the first contract that protected the allocation of ice time for Milton Youth Hockey and the boys and girls High School hockey team.

    Is this how we want our Town leadership team to manage the town?

    Myself, and the “Friends of Ulin Rink” are determined to find out who changed the paragraph in the second contract.

    Peter Mullen

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