Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills begins next chapter


by Frank Schroth

Among pines and oaks, under a clear blue sky, the Congregation of Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills, joined by a large group of friends, neighbors, and town and state officials, began to dig a foundation for their future here in Milton. The groundbreaking for their new temple was a joyous event for the congregation and the town after years of seeking a new home. They now have a home thanks to a generous donation of land from Marvin and Andrea Gordon. 

Rabbi Benjamin reminded the congregation of their responsibilities. “You shall be a blessing,” he said and spoke of the members looking outward to the community as well as inward. He said “Today members stand together in profound gratitude for the blessing that has made this possible .  .  . it is now our time.”

A number of individuals spoke including Marvin Gordon who donated the land, Mr. Gordon, who said, “I can’t tell you how meaningful it is to have your here.” Mr. Gordon’s family were dairy farmers and the first Jewish settlers to Milton, the Shoolmans. The temple will sit at the end of Shoolman Way named the family.

Ms. Katie Conlon, Chair of the Board of Selectmen noted in her remarks that “You are sojouners no more.” But perhaps it was the simple words of past Temple President Lila Rosenbaum that best captured the shared spirit of the moment, “Let us rejoice and be happy.”

Here is a slide show of the celebration:


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