Brazen theft leaves car wheeless

by Frank Schroth

Last Thursday, June 12, a Milton family awoke to find their car like this:

wheel theft

Not a great way to start the day. The car was parked in the driveway ~20 feet from the house. Neither the owners nor any of their neighbors heard a sound.

Channel 5 recently aired a report on similar incidents in Canton.

“Desired” vehicles being targeted by thieves include Honda, Toyota, and Nissans. The residents notified Milton Police. Following are tips to help thwart robbery attempts. Thanks to residents for passing this along:

  1. Use well locks and properly secure the key
  2. Garage vehicles if possible
  3. Ensure vehicle alarms are armed and not muted
  4. Lock vehicles at all times
  5. Make use of spot lights and / or light sensors
  6. Report any suspicious activity to the police

Theft results not only in financial loss but also emotional trauma. Thanks again to residents for sharing their experience and tips.

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