by Frank Schroth
The Milton DPW is a municipal beehive of activity. Joe Lynch, Director of the DPW, reviewed the status of a number of initiative and projects. In the hour + it took him to deliver his quarterly report, he covered everything from an update on the water main replacement program and waste contracts to MWRA rate projections and potholes. The report included but was not limited to the following:
- An agreement has been executed with Canton regarding water piping and billing rate. Lynch noted that Canton continues to pay Milton but at a different rate. He said we are not paying Canton as had been reported in newspapers
- The town has received both water and sewer assessments from the MWRA. Lynch said that the water rate is only a 0.7% increase of last year and that the preliminary assessment on sewer side is a 0.5% increase. He characterized that as “amazing.” Noting that regarding total projected rate increase, “We have got things under 1.5%.” He attributed this to new metering and the “hard work of people in my department. These benefits are real and they are financial.”
- Rate structuring is currently under review. Lynch said that they are looking at rate structures in different towns. member Conlon asked when and how public input would be solicited. 88 Wharf Street is one example of a multi-unit residential facility that wants to understand and have iinput. Milton currently uses a tiered model. Member Hurley noted that he decision may be to move to a single tier system in which case there may not be a need for too much discussion.
- Pothole damage has been “severe” this winter and “beat the heck out of our roads.” Lynch is recommending that sections of roadway be reclaimed with short sections of “band-aids” rather than pot hole filler. While this approach will only last about 5 years it is a more responsible approach as it will prevent more fundamental deterioration of the road way and the overall condition is much improved over a filled pot hole. However, he did note that this would require money be taken from other road paving that had been planned. Hurley asked about Central Avenue. Lynch said that Central Ave when redone will look much as it does today. There will be some sidewalk added on one side by the Hoosic Club and pedestrian crossings added in the vicinity of Turner’s Pond (Hinckley and Valley Roads).
- The gas company is “out of control” according to Lynch. The issue is that they have not “freshened” their trenches in three years. Lynch is considering a “work to rule” approach whereby each trench project will require a separate bond that will be seized if the gas company fails to do the work.
- The committee looking at solid waste has determined that it is worth putting the hauling contract which is in the last year of its contract extension out to bid. Lynch explained that an RFQ had been put out to disposal facilities and separately an RFP will be put out to haulers. This will allow for flexibility in how haulers respond and possible result in more cost savings. For example, a hauler may use a disposal facility selected by town or one of there own choosing. Toters are being looked at for recycling (ie garbage bins on wheels that improve efficiency and reduce resources required by haulers to collect) but nor for solid waste.
- Lynch is concerned about fleet creep regarding town vehicles. The DPW provides fueling and maintenance. As vehicles are acquired by various departments that puts additional strain on DPW which does not receive a corresponding increase in budget.
Regarding those residents and likely non profit institution that may be caught up in the non recorded water/sewer situation when it is determined who it is who has not paid and for how long what rate structure will the town use to determine the back costs. Will those charges be determined by today’s current rate structure or the rate structure for the particular year or years in question.
Pun intended – This is a REAL watergate… 😉
DPW Director, Joe Lynch, has his hands full but I think he is up to the challenge.