Election 2014 Candidate Forums

There will be three opportunities for voters to hear from candidates first hand starting this Monday evening. The independent forums, which have become routine events on the election calendar, are somewhat different in format. They are sponsored by Milton Access TV, the Council on Aging and 02186 / MyTownMatters. Here is the schedule:

Milton Speaks Annual Candidates Forum – MATV Studio, Pierce Middle School, March 31st at 7:00pm

This forum is hosted by MATV and moderated by Bernie Lynch. Candidates will be questioned by local media and the event will be broadcast live on MATV.

02186 / MyTowmMatters Candidate Forum – Fuller Village, April 12th at 2:00pm

This forum is a partnership between MyTowmMatters and the Milton High School Debate Team. Sponsored by MyTownMatters, the event is moderated and the candidates are questioned by members of the debate team. The event is taped and later broadcast on MATV.

Annual Candidates Forum – Council on Aging, April 24th at 9:30am

This forum provides an opportunity for candidates to meet directly with seniors in town. Moderated by Council on Aging staff, candidates have an opportunity to introduce themselves, speak to issues that matter to them, and take questions from the audience.

  1 comment for “Election 2014 Candidate Forums

  1. Frank Schroth
    March 29, 2014 at 11:48 am

    Correction: an earlier version of this post incorrectly reported the location of the MATV forum. It will be held at the MATV Studio at the Pierce Middle School, not town hall.

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