On Wednesday March 12th, six of Milton’s high school students learned about the basics of playwriting at the first of two playwriting workshops. The workshops are the beginning of the playwriting project, Scene and Heard. Scene and Heard consists of the two introductory workshops to teach participants the basics of playwriting and generate some ideas. Then using what they learned during the workshops participants will write original scenes that will be submitted (tosceneandheard2014@gmail.com) by the end of April. Later in the spring all the submitted scenes will be performed as staged readings. Students do not have to come to the workshops in order to participate in the staged readings but it is encouraged. The workshops are a great way to brainstorm ideas for scenes and get some feedback.
The second workshop will be held, Wednesday March 26th, at the lower church of St.Mary’s of the Hills Church. It will be taught by local playwright, Amy Merrill. The workshop is open to all high school students living or going to school in Milton.
For more information visit the Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ groups/242911572559705/