Key committees get appointments

by Frank Schroth

Two important town committees that have been dormant can now begin to resume their respective missions. The Town Government Study Committee will be meeting this evening for the first time in months. At the fall town meeting last October an article was passed that authorized the Town Moderator to make 5 appointments of the 9 members. The Board of Selectmen make 4. 

The committee was waiting on the Moderator’s appointments. In an email the Town Administrator said 4 of those appointments have been made. The current members of the committee are:

  • Rick Neely, Chair (BoS)
  • Marvin Gordon (BoS)
  • John Cronin (BoS)
  • Leroy Walker (BoS)
  • Mary McNamara (TM)
  • Peter Mullin (TM)
  • Bob Hiss (TM)
  • Kathy Fagan Bauer (TM)
  • vacancy (TM)

The committee was given a charge to look at the structure town departments and offices and to examine where economies might be achieved and efficiencies in operations realized.

The Selectmen also made an appointment to The Granite Avenue Park and Ride Committee. The chair of that committee, Andrea Doherty, has stepped off. Bryan Furze was elected chair to replace her. However, Ms. Doherty was also one of two representatives from that neighborhood. The remaining committee members agreed to suspend discussion and deliberation until another neighborhood member was in place. The Selectmen have appointed Nancy O’Sullivan of Thistle Avenue.

The Granite Ave Park & Ride Committee is evaluating potential uses for the DOT lot on Grantie Avenue should the town be in the position to acquire it. Senator Joyce has been working with DOT and state officials to determine if the town can obtain the parcel.

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