Milton Garden Club to offer community beautification, conservation grants

News release from the Milton Garden Club

The Milton Garden Club is pleased to announce it will once again be offering up to $1000.00 in community grants to individuals or organizations in need of funding to complete a beautification, conservation or service-oriented project for the town of Milton.

“Spring is just around the corner – at least I think it is! – and our thoughts of spring blossoms, turning the soil and planting are swirling in our heads,” said Garden Club President Carla Morey.  “Our Grant Chair, Rachel Wohanka, put together a successful program last year and three nonprofit groups in our community were able to benefit not only from an educational and financial standpoint, but also brought joy and beauty to our town. We are looking forward to receiving new entries this year and our hope is to continue this program for years to come. “

Last year’s recipients included the Friends of the Blue Hills, an elder services project and the foods program at the High School.

“We were very happy to support such a wide range of programs and services – from teenagers learning to grow food to senior citizens planting flowers for exercise and mental stimulation,” said Rachel Wohanka, MGC grants coordinator. “And the Blue Hills projects, including an invasives removal  effort, really embodied one of the main goals of our club: education about conservation. It was a nicely diverse set of winners.”

Residents, students or teachers who live or work in the town are invited to submit requests for funds to complete projects that uphold the founding principles of the Milton Garden Club, which include conservation, horticulture, historic preservation, education and civic beautification.  Applicants are not restricted by age and can range from high school juniors and seniors  planning senior projects, to Scouting troops building walkways, planting gardens or repairing town structures.  Teachers with outdoor classroom projects are encouraged to apply.  There is no minimum amount to request. Depending on the scope of the proposals, it is possible that multiple awards will be given.

The Milton Garden Club was founded in 1924 and continues a long tradition of hands-on gardening, horticulture, floral design, conservation projects, education and community service. The Milton Garden Club is a member of The Garden Club of America.  The Club maintains five public garden areas, including the front of the Public Library, and is in the process of restoring a native wildflower garden at the Trailside Museum.  The Club holds two fundraisers each year, a Greens Sale in December and a Perennial Sale in May.  The proceeds from the sales support its civic projects, including the grant program.

Applicants must reside, attend school or teach in Milton; projects must primarily benefit the town or its residents; projects must be planned for completion by June 1, 2015. Garden Club members are not eligible; MGC family members may not apply but may work on the project.  Applicants must be non-profit entities. For an application, or if you have questions, please email The deadline for completed applications is May 1, 2014. Winners will be chosen by Garden Club board members and will be notified in June.

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