Want to Grow Your Own Fruit? Compact Orchard Session at Wakefield Estate March 8
You can become a backyard orchardist and grow your own fruit! Even in a small backyard, you can enjoy fruit from your own trees with minimal effort and cost.The Wakefield Estate’s step-by-step workshop, to be held March 8 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., participants learn all they will need to know to plan and create a compact orchard for years of enjoyment. No experience necessary. Part of the workshop takes place outside in the orchard for a pruning demonstration, so dress accordingly. Suggested donation $20.
Space is limited; pre-registration required. Register at http://my.arboretum.harvard.
This event is co-sponsored by the Arnold Arboretum. The Wakefield Estate is located at 1465 Brush HillRoad in Milton.