Lynch to step down from Planning Board at end of term

by Frank Schroth

In a letter to the Susan Galvin, Town Clerk, Bernie Lynch stated that he will not seek re-election to the Planning Board. Mr. Lynch, who has served on the board for close to 25 years, did not give a specific reason.

Mr. Lynch thanked the voters of the town “for allowing me to serve on the Milton Planning Board . . . and the members of the Planning Board for electing me at times Chairman and Secretary.” He said it was a pleasure working with them all and that he would be following up with  a notarized copy of this expression of intent.

While Mr. Lynch did to give a reason, he did include the passage from Ecclesiastes 3 that begins “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven .  .  .”

In another development, Bryan Furze, who is currently chair of the Granite Avenue Park & Ride Committee, has pulled papers for a seat on the Planning Board.


  2 comments for “Lynch to step down from Planning Board at end of term

  1. Bryan Furze
    January 30, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    The Town of Milton owes Mr. Lynch a debt of gratitude for his years of service. If I am fortunate enough to be elected to fill his seat, I will work very hard to attempt to match his dedication and care for our community. Thank you, Mr. Lynch.

  2. Paul Sullivan
    February 1, 2014 at 8:41 pm

    As a Milton resident who has appeared before the Planning Board on many occasions, I was sad to hear Bernie Lynch will be stepping down. Over the years he has brought a tremendous dedication and love for our community, including his service on the Planning Board, on behalf of the Milton Public Library, the Milton Yacht Club and various other Town institutions. We thank him for his service and wish him well.

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