Bike Milton and Quincycles invite you for a ride this morning

The City of Quincy recently installed its first bike lanes on Adams Street, stretching from Beale Street (near the Milton line) to Furnace Brook Parkway.

Bike Milton and their friends and neighbors at Quincycles cordially invite you to join them at 10 AM this morning, Saturday, at Montilio’s to celebrate the new bike lanes with coffee and muffins and a brief bike ride.

Bike Milton also shared other news. You can xpect to see share-the-road sharrows added on Central Avenue when it is repaved in the springtime, and construction on the rest of the Neponset Greenway trail should start in the new year as well. We also expect the DCR to add bike racks at several trail destinations. Please let us know if you have requests or ideas to improve bicycling and bike safety in or near Milton.

They wish all great bike rides, joyous holidays and a happy new year!

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