by Frank Schroth
The world series begins tonight and if we learned anything – it is to stay awake and pay attention. Because no matter how late it gets, no matter how dire the score, with this Red Sox team – anything can happen. Naturally, the Board of Selectmen, who are reportedly growing beards in solidarity with the team, scheduled a meeting for this evening to discuss a report from the Department of Revenue. Nice timing.
I know – you are feeling conflicted. Not to worry. There is no reason you can’t have your DOR report and eat it too.
The report is an interesting and thorough piece of work and warrants serious consideration. Some of the recommendations dovetail with changes being considered by the Government Study Committee (e.g. expanding authority of Town Administrator). One that should generate some debate is the suggestion of increasing the board of selectmen from 3 to 5. If you can stay awake through that you should be all set for the game.
With any luck at all the BoS will wade through the reports recommendations with their usual alacrity and, worst case, everyone will be home by the 7th inning stretch. All good fun.
You can find coverage of the world series here, Herald coverage here, and the St Louis Dispatch here.