A first for Milton – MHS crews compete in the Head of the Charles

by Frank Schroth


photos courtesy of Sharon Donelan

Yesterday was an amazing day and a first for Milton. Three crews from Milton High School competed in the Head of the Charles Regatta, the world’s premier rowing event. They were entered in the Youth Fours Men, the Youth Fours Women, and the Youth Eights Men. (click on image for large view)

A large contingent of supporters converges in the area of the Riverside Boat Club. Cowbells and cameras in hand they cheered as the boats rowed by and Milton history was made in a storied and special sport.

They had the following finishes:

  • Youth Fours Men, Olivia Sidoti coxswain – MHS placed 60 out of 84 with a time of 19:06.934
  • Youth Fours Women, Shanaz Mahmood coxswain – MHS place 62 out of 85 with a time of 22:20.332
  • Youth Eights Men,Margaret Boyce coxswain – MHS placed 83 out of 85 with a time of 19:03.286

The director of rowing program is Milos Nikolic. The women’s crew is coached by Mike McVeigh and the men are coached by Bill Hamel.

The MHS teams are supported by the Friends of Milton Crew,  a private non-profit organization that finances, manages, and promotes rowing in Milton.

Congratulations to the athletes, their coaches, and MHS athletic department. You can learn more about Milton Crew from their web site and Facebook page.



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