Suffolk Resolves Annual Open House

The Suffolk Resolves House, located at 1370 Canton Avenue, Milton, will be open from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 8, 2013.

The Annual Open House is held in recognition of the historic meeting on September 9, 1774 at the home of Daniel and Rachel Smith Vose in Milton Village. Seventy delegates, representing 19 Suffolk County towns, adopted 19 resolutions known as the Suffolk Resolves.

Gordon Campbell, living historian

Gordon Campbell, living historian

Two days after the meeting Paul Revere left Milton on horseback with the Resolves transporting them to Philadelphia to the Continental Congress. These Resolves were endorsed by a vote of the Congress on September 17th and were used to form the text of the Declaration of Rights. Two years later, Thomas Jefferson used much of the Suffolk Resolves phraseology when he drafted the Declaration of Independence. A copy of the Suffolk Resolves will be on display for all to read.

Join the members of the Milton Historical Society on Sunday, September 8th.

Meet Rebecca and Amram Migdal, the new curators for the Suffolk Resolves House. Tour the Suffolk Resolves House and beautiful gardens.

Talk with Gordon Campbell and members of the 9th Massachusetts Regiment who will entertain you with stories about the Revolution. Socialize over punch and cookies in the lovely dining room. COME JOIN US!

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