MPD notice: Standish home break-in a reminder to stay vigilant

Notice from the Milton Police Department

Good afternoon- we have posted many times about the importance of protecting your homes and personal property against theft. In the past two weeks, vehicle and residential crimes have dropped. MPD has identified suspects in a couple of recent breaks. The issue as we have publicly stated, is regional and will NOT disappear without our collective efforts. We appreciate all of your calls and emails.

THIS POST IS VERY IMPORTANT- On Sunday evening, a home on Standish was entered during the night through an unlocked rear window. The residents were home and heard nothing. They discovered the crime the next morning. The suspect took many electronic and personal items from this family. Clearly this is a rare offense but clearly very brazen and disturbing.


Lock your doors and windows ALWAYS.
Screens and locked screen doors are easily defeated

You can never pay enough attention to your neighborhood. Many of our best arrests and identifications come as a result a resident who pays a little extra attention to their neighborhood. This is important even at night. Maybe you heard a dog bark, or a light come on. Taking a quick look out your door or window could be just the thing that lets you see something you never expected.

Suspects who commit these crimes try very hard NOT TO BE NOTICED, so every little bit of extra attention is greatly appreciated by us.
LAST, never be afraid to call, even if it is 3am. This is not a crime that we encounter often but we want you, the residents, to know how important a role you play in this mission of public safety for our community.
Please share this with your friends and neighbors. As always, we appreciate your help and assistance.

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