MHS Bulletin for 6/14/13

Library: Please return all library books by Monday, June 17th. Please see Ms. Troy in the library if you are unsure if you owe a book.

Locker Cleanout: ALL STUDENTS: please clean out your lockers by next Thursday, June 20, at the end of the day. Anything left behind will be discarded. Also, please return your combination locks to the Main Office.

Tech Club: Ever wanted to be inside the booth in the auditorium doing lights and sound for performances? Join the new tech club! Our second and final meeting before summer is Tuesday, June 18, right after school in Mr. Collyer’s room (211).

Varsity Golf: For any student interested in trying out for the varsity golf team this fall, there will be a brief informational meeting on Friday 6/14 at 2:20 in Mr. Kelly’s room (121).

Bookfair: If you did not make the Barnes and Noble bookfair yesterday, remember that online purchasee made through Tuesday, June 18th, will still benefit our library if you mention Milton High School.

Drama Club: All members should meet in Room 213 after school today, Friday, for our end-of-year gathering with departing seniors.

Student Government: Attention all newly elected student government officers and representatives: there will

be a mandatory meeting at 7:15 AM today, Friday morning, in room 121.

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton is seeking volunteers for our annual Community Health Walk/Health Fair on Saturday, June 15. Duties include set-up/clean-up, registration, water stations and selling raffle tickets. Shifts are 7:30am-11:30am or 11:30am-3:30pm. Please contact Jason Bouffard at 617-313-1590 or




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