Kayak to school day!

by Frank Schroth

Senator Brian A. Joyce was on site at Glover School yesterday to promote Walk to School Day, a global event in which over 40 countries promote walking or biking to school. The goal is to promote exercise and getting where you need to go under your own steam so in that spirit Abby O’Donnell who lives near Pine Tree Brook thought, “Let’s get the kayak!!” She had wanted to take a boat to school for some time. Ms. O’Donnell saw her opportunity and she took it.

On the way to Glover

On the way to Glover

Pine Tree Brook is not without certain challenges. For one, there is the water level which in places can be a bit shallow. So she and her assistant (and father) would portage in spots. And the branches and briars added to the commute time. But nothing that can’t be handled by keeping your eyes open and ducking once in awhile.

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Abby O’Donnell with Senator Joyce

Ms. O’Donnell arrived in time for the first bell and managed to get some face time with Senator Joyce.

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