Mtg Notes: School Committee 11.07.12 (2) – After-school sports and STEM @ Pierce; MCAS review

by Frank Schroth

At the 11/7 session of the school committee Dr. Karen Spaulding and Asst Superintedent John Phelan announced two new programs for the Pierce Middle School: an after-school sports program and a STEM enrichment course. Neither will impose a cost on the public. 

The interscholastic sports program will offer basketball, spring track, and cross-country in the fall to start. Mr. Phelan presented a three year budget for the program will be funded by donations from Pinnacle Learning and the MFE along with modest user fees ($35) and a reallocation of after-school club funds. Basketball will initially be offered to 8th graders for both boys and girls. Track will be open to all students.

Dr. Spaulding said the response from parents to date had been “overwhelmingly positive.” Member Kelly said she did not understand the numbers and noted there was currently a “club gap” and expressed concerns that the schools were not meeting costs. Member Walker congratulated Phelan and Athletic Director Steve Traister for an “outstanding job” bringing the idea to fruition. Both Kely and Walker serve on the finance sub-committee.

D. Spaulding also announced the launch of a pilot STEM class (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) that will be offered to students who scored “advanced” on their 6th grade MCAS tests. This elective class for 7th grade students will be taught by Ms. Gilbert, the 8th grade science teacher. The class will offer an opportunity to students who have a demonstrated aptitude for and interest in math and science to participate in an intensive experience beyond the standard science requirements. There are 40 seats available and students will be invited based on their scores (approximately 150 students scored “Advanced”). Letters will be going out to parents and guardians informing them of the program. Member Kelly asked what the long range plan was and what was being done for other students. It was explained that this is a pilot program that can be offered at no cost to students who excel in math. It is an enrichment class. It is a start and will be evaluated as it moves forward.

Assistant Superintendent Phelan gave an extensive review of recent MCAS results. The state has revised some of the terminology. For example, Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) is now referred to as Progress & Performance Index(PPI). We are not sure that makes it any more clear but there you go. There were three salient points made by Mr. Phelan: a) the district is a Level 1 district based on MCAS test results. This places Milton in the top 25% of schools in the Commonwealth b) MCAS scores are trending up when viewed over time (between 2009 and 2012) c) other indicators reflect a high level of achievement on the part of the student body; specifically, AP test takers which have increased from 167 in 2001 to 299 in 2012 and 100% of eligible seniors are now taking the SAT.

Member Walker expressed concern for the achievement gap that exists between African-American students and the rest of the student body. Phelan noted that the gap is reduced significantly when students on IEPs are not factored. Walker is asking for a strategy to close the gap which he believes is “significant” and that there is urgency to that. Superintendent Gormley acknowledged that and committed to coming back to the committee with a plan.

You can find the presentation here.

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