Milton contributions to President Obama outpace those to Romney

While I am sure that we have all had our fill of political ads, arguments, debates, etc the following may be of interest. In terms of contributions to the campaigns, Milton contributed $106,612 to President Obama as compared t0 $80,341 to Romney according to figures compiled by the Boston Business Journal as sourced from the Federal Election Commission. You can find the article here.

  1 comment for “Milton contributions to President Obama outpace those to Romney

  1. Paul Yovino
    November 5, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    Perhaps,those contributions reflect what the voters in Milton thought of Willard Mitt Romney as governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    Those of us who are of a certain age for whom the Vietnam War was not a notation in a history book have other thoughts. We note, that while as young men we were called to the service of our country and some lost that young life on some battlefield in Vietnam, Willard Mitt Romney who is of that age chose to become a LDS Missionary in that wasteland called France in the summer of 1969 – something his faith would have allowed him to defer to a later date. That choice allowed Willard Mitt Romney a quasi- legitimate opportunity to turn his back on his own country and he did.

    How many of your have seen the picture Romney has published as part of his biography of a love letter in the sand he wrote to his girl friend and now wife, Anne, in the sands of the French Riviera in the summer of 1969? Love letters in the sands of the French Riviera in the summer of 1969 while thousands other young men were slogging in the sands and the rice patties of Vietnam. And this man believe he can honor the title “Commander-in-Chief”.

    Willard Mitt Romney made his choice in the summer of 1969 and we will make our choice tomorrow, November 6, 2012. We have long memories and short patience for someone like Romney who chose to allow some other young man with fewer opportunities and options to go in his place. Let us hope that forever young soldier’s name is not forever engraved on the wailing wall in Washington D.C. – The Vietnam Memorial.

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