Comparing Hanukah Story and Arab Spring

News release from Temple Shalom

Temple Shalom of Milton invites the community to an engaging discussion led by Rabbi Fred Benjamin on the historical and sociological factors that prompted the ancient Jewish Hanukah rebellion, and its comparison to today’s Arab Spring. This event will be at the Milton Public Library on Tuesday, November 13th, at 7:15 PM and is free to all.

The original Hanukah story concerned the Hasmonean rebellion led by Judah Maccabee in 165 BCE against the Assyrian Greek forces that ruled the land at the time. The Hasmoneans were a priestly family of Jewish rulers and leaders in ancient Judea. If this rebellion can be compared to today’s Arab Spring, what conclusions can be drawn? Primary sources will be handed out and discussed,, and refreshments will be served.

The Milton Library is located at 476 Canton Avenue, at the corner of Reedsdale Road, and has ample free parking.

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