Quincy reverses plans on street closures at Milton border

from Wicked Local Milton

Quincy has thrown into reverse its experiment to close a cut-through road into Milton after an uproar from residents.

Governors Road, which is partly in Quincy and partly in Milton, was closed Friday as part of Quincy’s ongoing paving and reconstruction project on the street. (Read the full story here.)

  3 comments for “Quincy reverses plans on street closures at Milton border

  1. Steve Fruzzetti
    October 20, 2012 at 7:09 pm

    I’m glad to hear that Governors Rd and Plymouth Ave have been re-opened. I am a dog walker in town. I have two clients that lives on Edge Hill Rd between Governors Rd and Plymouth Ave and I pick them up and walk them at my client’s house on Grove St. in Quincy. I think it is selfish for residents to want to use the road that we all pay taxes for as their personal playground. You knew what kind of traffic went by your house when you moved there and if you didn’t shame on you for not doing your research. I live on Granite Ave and I’m not trying to stop people from driving by my house so that my kids can play in the street.

  2. Paul Yovino
    October 21, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    I think we have to be very respectful to the residents of Governors Road and the parallel and adjoining streets.
    The last thing anyone wants to read or hear about is an accident on those streets involving young children playing in the area.

    All that being said, I think the last thing you want to do it to erect barriers. Sounds too much like a despotic eastern European country of the last century.

    Quincy has just resurfaced their side of Governors Road but they have not replaced the speed bumps. I hope and trust they will do that. Speed bumps and stop signs [ Milton put one up at the intersection of one of the cross streets and Governors Road last year and removed it. Why?] on the Milton side should be considered or reconsidered before you put a barrier at the town line.
    Frankly, I would think that would severely hurt real estate values in that area. Would you want to move to a street that had its own little Belin Wall at the end of it? I don’t think so.
    In summary, there is a traffic problem in the area which I think is made worse by the poor traffic flow on Granite Avenue and Adams Street. But the town and the residents should explore and experiment long term with speed bumps and stop signs and if needed strong police traffic enforcement – have you ever seen a Milton Police car enforcing the speed limit on Governors Road? I have not.
    Let’s go back to the basics – speed bumps, stop signs and police traffic enforcement before we wall off a street and potentially hurt property values in the area.
    We who use those streets are responsible for our own actions and the way we drive. We can help the situation by driving slowly and not using Governors Road if we can take alternative routes.
    As the sign says in the area ” We love our kids …” and we should drive in the area as if they were our own,

  3. Bob Hannigan
    October 23, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    I believe a key point we need to realize here is that Governors Road and Plymouth Street are PUBLIC ways NOT PRIVATE ways. Everyone has the right to pass and repass on both street.
    If there is a speeding problem then it’s an enforcement issue that needs to be monitored and addressed by the MPD.
    I regularly use both roads, however, I respect the views of the property owners on the street and drive well below the speed limit. The reason is I live on Thacher Street, a “major league” cut- through street compared to Governors and Plymouth.
    I understand the reason for the posted signs ” Drive slow, we love our children”. However, we successfully raised three children on Thacher Street but we made sure they stayed and played in the BACK yard or a nearby playground. We didn’t buy our home on a cul-de-sac and neither did you.

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