Pierce students nail MCAS

Fifty-two students from Pierce Middle School were honored at a special luncheon last week in recognition of  having achieved a “280” — or perfect score on one of their MCAS exams. Woo Hoo!

Results of the standardized tests — taken last spring — were recently released earlier this month and Principal Karen Spaulding wasted no time in honoring those who achieved the top score. “You are spectacular,” she told the group as they enjoyed their special lunch. “I think your accomplishments are pretty remarkable.”

Superintendent Mary Gormley and Assistant Superintendent John Phelan attended the ceremony and gave out certificates to every member of the “280 Club.”

“You did not get these scores by guessing,” said Ms. Gormley. “You give 100 percent each and every day and we are proud of you.”

Ms. Gormley went on to tell the students that she and Mr. Phelan would not miss the 280 luncheon for any reason. “We could be home sick in our beds and we would get ourselves up and over to Pierce for this event,” she said. “It’s that important to us to let you know that we appreciate your hard work.”

Pierce Principal Karen Spaulding congratulates the group

The following students received a 280 on their MCAS:

Grade Six: Molly Baker, Brendan Cox, Julia DeFillipo, Michael Doyle, Raquel Gallagher, Annabel Botsford, Colleen Conley, Manon Dorster, Grace Dwyer, Lorna Grey, Sarah Hancock, Shayla Kelley, Karissa Lasoff, Hannah McGrath, Kara Milliken, Minhanh Nguyen, Katherine Barrett, Anne Corcoran, Jada Farrar, Aemilia Ferreira, Charles Gatnik, Julia Nerenberg, Laura O’Hanlon, Hannah Mitchell and Declan Pendergast. Grade Seven: Claire Casey, Kelly Chapple, Sawyer Flanagan, Eva Chow, Hueninh Nguyen, Genevieve Connelly, James Eder, Nethania Marc, Isaac Robinson, Elias Dow, Joshua Kackley, Timothy Karoff, Griffin McLaughlin, Jordan Bacci, Christopher Caputo, Ornella Ebongue, Miwa Joiner, Aliyah Farnum, Nora Kelly and John Cullen. Grade Eight: Mariah Conway, Hannah Fay, Maggie O’Hanlon, Destiny Perkins, Lauren Trifone, Camille Coutant, Matthew DiCarlo, Anthony Hancock and Allison Reed.

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