Recent MCAS scores place Milton in top 25% of schools in the state

by Frank Schroth

The most recent MCAS scores have been tabulated and Milton Public Schools performance has been recognized by State. All six Milton Public Schools received a Level 1 designation  by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This is the highest level attainable on the tests and places the entire district in the Level 1 category. Milton is among the top 25% of districts in the Commonwealth, including all public and charter school districts.

About the achievement Superintendent Gormley stated: “These are the kind of results every district hopes for. Each of our six schools attained the Level 1 designation and we couldn’t be more proud of our staff and our students.”

Two of Milton’s elementary schools, the Collicot and Glover Elementary Schools, were named as Commendation Schools by the DESE for high student growth. Collicot was commended for High Progress and Narrowing Proficiency Gaps; while Glover was commended for High Progress.

The administration team will share the good news at tonight’s Milton School Committee meeting, scheduled for 7 pm in the Milton High School library. A more detailed presentation of the 2012 MCAS Accountability Data will be held at the October 3rd meeting of the School Committee. Individual scores will be mailed to families the week of October 3rd.

A Level 1 designation is granted to a school that demonstrates high achievement, makes strong progress or narrows the proficiency gap in both the aggregate and in the High Needs subgroup. A district can only achieve a Level 1 status if all schools in the district are recognized as Level 1 schools by the DESE.

Our congratulations to the Superintendent, her administrative staff, the principals, the entire MPS faulty, and the students for their demonstrated achievement.

Please go here to see Milton results. For the entire state’s Department of Education MCAS go here.
A statement from the Superintendent can be found on the new MPS administration blog here.


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