YA Authors Discuss Path to Publication

On October 15 at 7.p.m., Milton Public Library will welcome four Young Adult novelists to discuss their new novels and how aspiring writers might go about entering the world of publishing. The panel is part of the library’s celebration of Teen Read Week™ (Oct. 14-20, 2012), a nation-wide adolescent literacy initiative sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA).

The panel offers audience members a chance to discuss writing and reading from across genres, from historical through paranormal and realistic storytelling. Panelist A. C. Gaughen’s debut novel, Scarlet, is a retelling of the Robin Hood story–with a twist. Panelist Susan Carlton’s new novel, Love and Haight, is set a little closer to the present, 1972 San Francisco. Kate Burak offers a more local setting for her contemporary, realistic novel, Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things, which is a mystery set in Amherst. Roundingout the panel with a bit of paranormal, is Gina Rosati’s new novel, Auracle, about a girl who has the power of astral projection.The authors will present their inside views of the world of young adult publishing and take questions from the audience.

Teen Read Week is a time to celebrate reading for fun and encourage teens to take advantage of reading in all its forms —books and magazines, e-books, audiobooks and more — and become regular library users. “Teens have more activities to fill their free time than ever — social networking, video games, after-school activities, athletics —and increasingly high expectations in the classroom,” said Emily Calkins, Young Adult Librarian. “It’s important that we show them that reading is something that’s fun and relaxing that they can do for free. We’re so lucky to have these four great young adult authors visit the library, and we hope teens, parents, and other fans of young adult literature will be introduced to a new book (or two!) that they’ll love.”

The event is open to all ages and admission is free. Refreshments will be served; this program is sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library. The Library is located at 476 Canton Ave., Milton, MA. For more information about this and other teen programs, please contact Emily Calkins at (617) 698-4958 or ecalkins@ocln.org.

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