Discussions between Connelly and Planning Board re: Hendries to continue

by Frank Schroth

It isn’t over ’til it’s over or, where the planning board is concerned, until the decision to deny is signed.

The Planning Board voted 3-1 to deny a special permit for the proposal Connelly put forward for redeveloping the Hendries property. Bernie Lynch was the dissenting vote. (View post here.) However, the decision resulting from that vote made on 8/24 has not been signed by the board and Chairman Whiteside informed the board that Connelly has asked them to put off the vote.

The issue came up at the end of last Thursday’s session of the planning board. It was a very brief update from Mr. Whiteside who said:

“I have been talking with Connelly . . . he has asked that we defer the signing our deciion of denial . . . [at the] next meeting he may have something to say, and if he doesn’t we will can execute the decision of denial .  .  .  He (Mr. Connelly) said “Hold this in abeyance,” .  .  .  see if we can come up with a complete substitute plan .  .  .  once we get it in shape outside of a formal hearing process but with public involvement – file it, re-advertise and Mike will be able to participate. Mike will be on board for this thing .  .  .  It sounds like it might be a way of moving forward.”

Member Innes responded, “We have wanted to work with him all along.” She is open to hearing what he has to say.

Member Kelly had been precluded from the vote because he was elected to the board after the hearings had commenced.

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