Anthony Sammarco to be honored by Victorian Society of America

Notice from the Victorian Society of America

The Society is pleased to announce its Annual Preservation Awards, given each year for the restoration of a 19th-century building or landscape, a book on 19th-century art, architecture or social history, and a Lifetime Achievement Award to a person who has demonstrated a special dedication to the preservation movement through the years.

Because this is the 40th anniversary of the New England Chapter, the Society has chosen to honor four long-time members of its Board of Directors for their dedicated service to the Boston preservation community. This year’s honorees are Ed Gordon, Jack Grinold, Mary Melvin Petronella, and Anthony Mitchell Sammarco.

Museum Director Duane Lucia will open the evening with a talk about the founding of the West End Museum. Following Mr. Lucia’s remarks will be the presentation of the awards mentioned above. Because three awards were given by the National Victorian Society to Boston-based organizations this year, these will also be part of the evening’s events. At the recent Annual Meeting in San Antonio, awards were announced for: the City of Boston and the Friends of the Public Garden, for the restoration of the Brewer Fountain and surrounding landscape; and the architectural firm of McGinley, Kalsow & Assoc. of Somerville, for the planning and restoration the 1886 Provincetown Town Hall.

The evening will open with a reception at 6:00, followed by the presentation of awards at 6:45. Please join us for what promises to be one of the highlights of our 40th Anniversary Year.

The Preservation Awards ceremony is open to members and the general public for a modest fee.

For reservations, please call Peggy Clarke at 781-643-3292

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