The following was submitted by the candidate
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for Library Trustee. As Past-President of both the Milton Library Foundation and the Milton Foundation for Education, and a member of the Milton Hospital Fund Development Board, I have demonstrated my long-standing commitment to supporting Milton organizations that have important impacts on all segments of our community.
My wife, Ronit, and I have lived in Milton since 1981, raising our two children, Justin and Emily, who continue to live in Milton. We have embraced Milton for 31 years through our involvement with our neighbors, public schools, Hospital, Library, and various other organizations. I am a Town Meeting Member and have an understanding of the fiscal issues facing our town and library.
If elected, I will promote increasing Library access during summers and on Sundays year-round. To do this without increasing the Library Budget, I suggest creating and expanding a Library Internship program paid for by externally-generated funds by the Milton Library Foundation. This would provide job opportunities for High School students and/or for college students retuning home for summers.
In addition, I support expanding the Museum Pass program, our free Music download program and our electronic-content collections. At the same time, training for using these Library resources must be easily available. With funding for a “Children Literacy Program” provided by the Milton Library Foundation this year, I would advocate for the creation of an “Adult Literacy Program.” Other programs I would like to promote include: strengthening our ties to our Milton School Library System, to Curry College and to the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Together, we will continue the march toward excellence at the Milton Public Library.
I have been a professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University for 31 years and have served as Department chairman, associate chairman and University Faculty Council chairman. I am active in my profession nationally and internationally, currently serving as President of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, a non-governmental organization for the World Health Organization and the United Nations.
I would appreciate your support and one of your votes on April 24th.