Forbes House Museum compiles list of Irish Immigrants, 19th & 20th century workers

News release from Forbes House Museum

Forbes House Museum has begun exploration in two projects that focus on Irish heritage themes. The projects, directly connected to the history of the Forbes family in Milton and specifically Captain Robert Bennet Forbes, are being organized by FHM staff along with English/History Intern, Keri Kennedy, a junior at Curry College, Milton.

The Museum has revisited a list of names of Irish immigrants who were known to have worked and/or lived at Forbes House between the years of 1833 through 1962. The list, first compiled by Museum staff two decades ago, has been recently expanded to include Irish workers whose names appeared in the U. S. Census. Workers who resided at 215 Adams Street were listed in the census as residents of the home along with family members.

“I would appreciate finding out more information about these 35 workers’” says Kennedy. “I am curious to know what it was like to work at the Forbes House. I’ve been in contact with a few descendants living locally, and have gathered stories of human interest. For example, we recently learned that the barn at Forbes House was once home to 10-12 horses plus two farm workers, both Irish immigrants.”

The Museum staff and Kennedy have begun disseminating the list of Irish workers, hoping that descendants living in Greater Boston may recognize a relative’s name.

“If someone were to find their ancestor’s name on the list, we hope they will contact us here in the Museum office,” say FHM Executive Director, Robin Tagliaferri. “We are anxious to know more about these workers and their families.”

The Museum hopes to conduct interviews over the next several months, eventually creating a portfolio of stories, transcripts and photographs.

The FHM announces the following list of names of Irish immigrants who either lived and/or worked at Forbes House. They are:

Burke, Michael, b. 1905;
Burnes, Malachi;
Cotter, Jimmy, b. 1828;
Cragan, Ann, b. 1820;
Downing, Catharine, b. 1831;
Eustis, Margaret, b. 1847;
Finnegan, Domenic, b. 1828;
Flanigan, Margaret, b. 1852;
Flora, Catherine, b. 1828;
Flynn, Atty, b. 1820;
Grigory, Daniel, b. 1839;
Gunning, Patrick;
Henry, Michael;
Hickey, John, b. 1832;
Holahan Nellie, b. 1874;
Houghton, Mary, b. 1823;
Jordan, May, b. 1877;
Jordan, Mollie;
Kaine, Ellen, b. 1836;
Kennedy, Peter;
Laffy, Thomas;
Lehey, Michael;
McCarthy, Kate, b. 1842;
McDonald, Mudock Mr. & Mrs.;
Meara, Hannah, b. 1859;
Murray, Michael;
Pigott, Bridgit, b. 1847;
Render, Cornelius, b. 1812;
Stewart, James b. 1874;
Tivernan, Thomas, b. 1852;
Bridget, Toomey, b. 1858;
Welch, Ellen, b. 1861;
Catharine and Margaret (no last name on record), cooks for James Murray Forbes and Mary Bowditch Forbes, circa 1927- 62.


Michael Burke

This is a photo of Michael Burke (b. 1905), an Irish immigrant from County Galway, who worked at Forbes House from 1930- 94, living for a time on the property in the groom’s apartment in the carriage house.

Additionally, another Irish heritage project is underway with focus on the 1847 humanitarian voyage to County Cork, Ireland by Captain Robert Forbes, which brought food provisions to those suffering during the Great Famine. Kennedy hopes to connect with government officials and community leaders in County Cork to initiate dialogue in that region about the Captain’s historical visit.

The Museum has also been conversing with the Charitable Irish Society and the Eire Society regarding possible Irish heritage partnership programs for spring 2012.

For more information about the Irish heritage projects at Forbes House Museum, or to learn about FHM programs, special events or group tours, contact the FHM office at 617-696-1815 or visit our website at

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