Letter: Regarding Hendries, town should wait for a better plan

from Ellen DeNooyer

February 6, 2012

To the Editor,

I am writing as a long-time Milton resident and an architect, to commend the Planning Board for their hard work and continued efforts on behalf of the Town to achieve a quality development at the Hendries site. The process has been slow largely because the developer has caused delay by not providing sufficient information, by not responding to the Board’s requests or to public comments, and by postponing his presentations.

The Town deserves a well-thought-out, appropriately-scaled project which will enhance this prominent site and the surrounding neighborhood. In my opinion, the developer has yet to provide such a project. His current proposal is almost twice the size in total floor area as the new building at 36 Central Avenue. The proposed building on the Hendries site would be 5 stories tall along Central Avenue (36 Central is 4 stories tall). The Hendries proposal would dwarf the surrounding buildings, and it could add significant traffic to Central Avenue and Eliot Street.

There is justifiably considerable impatience to see an improvement to the existing condition. Over the last 10 years or more, the owner has allowed his property to deteriorate into an eyesore and a public safety concern. The building is publicly marked with signs (red with white X) warning the Fire Department and other emergency personnel about entering the building due to its deteriorated condition.

The Town shouldn’t settle for the proposed plan simply out of impatience with the process or out of dismay that the existing building is in such poor condition. A new building will hopefully be there for 50 or 100 years or more. We can and should wait for a better plan.

There are alternatives to the developer’s proposal which could be successful in both the short and the long term. These include: 1) simply demolishing the existing building and creating open green space as a first step, 2) creating an improved proposal for development, or 3) selling the property to someone else who will pursue these alternatives. (It is important to note that the value of the property has gone up considerably since it was purchased by the current owner, because the new zoning now allows a much larger building on the site. Without having invested in any improvements and without even having maintained the property over the last 10 years, he could sell at a much higher price than his purchase price.)

I encourage neighbors and other interested residents to attend the Planning Board meetings (next discussion on the Hendries plan is 7:15 Thursday evening February 9th), visit the Board website for information: http://www.townofmilton.org/Public_Documents/MiltonMA_BComm/PB/PB or write to the Planning Board with comments, via William Clark, Planning Director: wclark@townofmilton.org.

I also encourage the developer to consider alternatives which are responsive to the concerns and suggestions which have been given by the Planning Board and the public, and to develop a plan which is truly in the Town’s long term interest.


Ellen DeNooyer AIA

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