Notice from the MWRA

Dear Neighbor,

Yesterday, Thursday, December 8, 2011, the MWRA, began the process of bringing into service some of the newly installed and newly rehabilitated water pipes in the area of Bakers Court in Dorchester and Milton Village. While this operation was being conducted, a sudden flow reversal in the water pipe caused some discolored water in the Town of Milton’s water mains. Some residents of East Milton may notice cloudy water coming out of their taps.

This cloudy water is caused by a small amount of iron in the water pipes. While the cloudy water is safe for drinking, cooking and other uses, the iron may stain light colored items in the laundry, particularly when bleach is used. There for, residents should check the water and postpone washing lighter colored laundry until the water clears. The water is expected to clear by late this afternoon.

This reversal of flow was not anticipated so there was no notice of the threat of discolored water given. In light of this recent event, you should know that this process of bringing new sections of pipe into service, is slated to continue through, December 19, 2011. No discolored water is expected, but residents are encouraged to check their water before washing light colored items of laundry.

Again, the water is fine for drinking, cooking etcetera, but cloudy water may stain light colored laundry, particularly if bleach is used. Most people who receive this e-mail will not get any cloudy water today or next week. Where cloudy water is present today, it is expected to dissipate by this evening and we don’t expect any cloudy water from next week’s evolutions, although there is a remote possibility , that some may appear.

The MWRA is working with the Town of Milton to resolve this issue. The Town of Milton’s website has updates of the situation.

The MWRA apologizes for any inconvenience.

Contact me with any questions or concerns at 617 660 7972 or e-mail me at

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