Superintendent’s evaluation released

The School Committee has published its evaluation of Superintendent Gormley. The annual performance review consists of the Superintendent providing a “self-reflection,” the committee commenting on her performance, and publishing the final evaluation.

Glenn Pavlicek, Chair of the School Committee, states in the evaluation:

The Milton School Committee is extremely pleased with your performance as Superintendent. This is obvious from the comments at the October 26th meeting which were unanimous in their praise of you.

The evaluation concludes:

In short, the Committee commends you on your vision, your leadership, your work ethic, your openness and honesty, and your unwavering commitment both to the students of the system and to the citizens of the Town. We consider your performance to be superlative and inspiring and look forward to continuing this productive collaboration.

You can find the full text of the Superintendent’s evaluation here.

Congratulations Superintendent Gormley!

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