East Milton Parking Study
The Board of Selectmen should be cautious in considering the East Milton Square Parking study report. It asks the Town to replace the landscaped Manning Park, over the Expressway, with a 40 space parking lot, diagonally opposite from Fitness Unlimited.
As a former member of the Milton Traffic Commission, former Fire Chief, and lifetime East Milton resident, I find the proposal requiring all Southbound Adams Street traffic to make a major detour to be a bizarre design.
All vehicles including buses, tractor trailer trucks, and fire engines, are to be required to take a right turn from Adams Street onto Bryant Avenue, in front of the Post Office, then a sharp left onto the Boulevard Street, over the Expressway, North on Granite Avenue, right passing over the Fire Station apron, then a sharp right onto Adams Street, resuming the Southerly direction.
Other East Milton business owners have provided off street parking including the funeral homes, Fruit Center, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, the Falconi buildings, the banks, etc. The consultant even found that on-street parking in adequate.
The Town fought long and hard to have the federal government fund and build the landscape park over the S.E. Expressway to reunite the Town, which had been divided by the canyon.
Care should be exercised by Town Officials before committing to a flawed plan.
Donald P. Affanato
55 Rowe Street