Mtg notes: Selectmen 10.20.11 – Update on 350th celebration; Timilty weighs in, and a bunch of approvals

The Board of Selectmen met on 10/20 and the discussion included but was not limited to the following:

  • An update from Lynda-Lee Sheridan, the Committee Chair, and Mary McLaughlin, Vice-Chair, on the celebrations for Milton’s 350th Birthday – Ms. Sheridan and McLaughlin outlined a variety of plans, events, and ideas that are taking shape. The committee has hired Atlas Pyrotechnics, the fireworks supplier to the 4th of July celebration on the Esplanade to provide the week-end “Big Event” that will serve as centerpiece to a series of events, meetings, and parties that will take place over months. The fireworks will be at Milton High on Friday June 9th. The following Saturday there will be a parade. Organizations here in town are encouraged to participate, build floats, and get in touch with organizers (please see link to web site & Facebook below). There will be bands a go-go and heaven knows what else – but it all sounds like fun. Sunday there will be an inter-denominational service and picnic. Oh, and Milton will have a mayor – at least for a day. Some might wish for a longer term but at least it’s a start. Kidding aside, it is a creative FUNdraiser. Stay tuned for details. There are also items to commemorate out town’s birthday. These include a roundel, a t-shirt, and a coffee mug. You can purchase T-shirts from the Selectmen’s office for $15. One event to save the date for is a fundraising concert that will take place at the Marriott Hotel in Quincy and feature Pauline Wells. You can reach the committee at their email address and be sure to visit their website here. And ‘friend’ their Facebook page.
  • Representative Timilty appeared before the Selectmen to give a quick update on a hearing that had taken place in Barnstable earlier in the day. A bill has been filed to prevent construction of the wind turbine at Quarry Hills (the land is owned by the town and abuts the gold course). Mr. Timilty said he is confident that the outcome will be a good one for the town. He also reiterated that the town will be granted a 25 year lease for the Ulin Rink. The amendment to the supplemental spending bill has support of Speaker DeLeo and the Chairman of Ways and Means Brian Dempsey. It should be going to the Governor for his signature shortly.
  • The Selectmen approved motions for National Grid to lay pipe to connect gas line on Harland Street and for the construction of poles by Nstar in support of wind turbine. The poles will run along access road off Randolph Ave by land fill.
  • The Selectmen heard from the owner of Kennedy carpet who wants to move his sign up higher on his building to take advantage of traffic flowing north on the expressway. Some neighbors have complained about seeing the sign out their window. Moving the sign would alleviate that. However, moving sign would put it in violation of existing regulations. Chairman Sweeney deferred a decision until the public has had an opportunity to voice concerns on the issue.


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