Milton Public Library seeks public comment on strategic plan

The Milton Public Library has developed a draft strategic plan for 2011-2015 and welcomes public review and comment.  Please provide comments/suggestions to Library Director Phil McNulty at by Friday October 7, 2011. (Please click “Read more” for links to documents.)

The link to the documents on the Library website is:

Long Range Plan – Draft and Review

The Milton Public has reached the near-final draft and public review stage of our current strategic planning process. You may find a draft of the plan at the links below. Comments on the plan are welcome! Please address your feedback to Library Director Phil McNulty at

Draft Long Range Plan 2011-2015   PDF 173 kb

The plan refers to comparative library data for fifty libraries in Massachusetts communities closest in population to Milton. That data may be found at:

Library Comparative Data, draft plan 2011-2015   PDF 129 kb

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