Snapshot of 09.23.11 Planning Board Meeting

Three issues were discussed at last night’s Planning Board meeting:

  • The special permit to develop 643-645 Brush Hill Road was withdrawn. The developer did not appear but a letter was read into the record in which he expressed his desire to withdraw the permit. No specific reasons were given.
  • A new restaurant is planned for the Fallon Ambulance property. The developers presented a concept plan that will include a ground level outdoor terrace. The food will be American bistro fare similar to the style offered in their Westwood restaurant, Chiara’s.
  • The property at St Elizabeth’s was also discussed. There is a citizens petition that will be presented at Town Meeting. The developers seek to put in Townhouses. The petition as written is significantly flawed. The issue parallels the Temple Shalom development. Both cases involve a house of worship seeking to sell a property and redevelop it. However, in neither case does the zoning accommodate the proposal. Also, like Temple Shalom, a citizens petition is being filed for Town Meeting. It is possible that the petition will be withdrawn if the Planning Board and developer agree to work on a proposal that removes the flaws. Should the petition go before town meeting, town meeting could approve, deny or possibly remand to the Planning Board.

A more complete report of this meeting will appear shortly.

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