Police seek public assistance with Glover arson

Chief Wells confirmed that the vandalism at the Glover school that occurred over the week end was an act of arson.

Several cans of accelerant, a men’s hair or body product, were found on the scene and the Chief believes the act was premeditated. He did not have any clear idea on a motive.”With arson there is usually some underlying reason; but the motive is not readily apparent,” said Wells.

The damage is estimated at $25,000. Vandals most likely lit plastic sections of the playground equipment which then dripped onto the mulch. The mulch may have been lit first. In a conversation with Chief Grant of the Fire Department he said it was difficult to prove either way. Alcohol did not appear to be involved.

There were no eyewitnesses that the police are aware of and the fire burned for some time before officials became aware of it. The playground area is behind Glover and mostly shielded from view from Turner’s Pond by dense bushes and undergrowth.

Police encourage anyone with information to please contact Officer Kristen Clifford who is handling the investigation. Email: kclifford@mpd.org or call 617-898-4837.

Commenting on the incident at Cunningham Park Wells noted that while the park is a frequent hangout, the fight that occurred was not associated with that. He said one of the causes for the spate of vandalism and teen misbehavior could be the lack of summer employment.

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