Livingston is in – formally announces candidacy for Selectman

from the candidate – (note: A positive biopsy for cancer, subsequent successful surgery and a viral infection that temporarily took Mr. Livingston off the campaign trail.)

I am a candidate for the Milton Board of Selectman to bring a new perspective to town governance with active citizen participation.  If you elect me, I will return the office to one, which represents each of you, as fairly as possible, and not merely the insiders.  I may not be a lifelong resident of Milton but I have the desire to commit myself to the public trust along with the energy and passion to make our town better for you and yours.

In 2005 I graduated from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, with a BA in Legal Educational Service with a concentration in Public Advocacy. I have spent time advocating for asbestos victims and their families. I have worked with others to strived to do anything I can to improve the quality of life and living conditions of those who have asked it of me.  I have also been a Milton resident for the last 26 years, and served as a town meeting representative for 17 years, until 2001. I have and continue to be employee over the past twenty-seven years with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

I have taken up the call to run for public office over my life time, for two primary reasons:

  1. To make all the people, families, and children of our future the focus of government.  The need for basic services – – while going from house to house knocking on doors I have seen the disrepair of our neighborhood infrastructure buckle concrete and crumpling asphalt sidewalks; senior citizen on fix incomes struggling with the ever increasing inflation cost of basic necessities, and our growing unemployed looking for decent jobs. No longer can we continue to spend too many of our scarce resources on special interest projects and groups without a cost plus return for its value. The important point is to give the voters of Milton a choice.
  2. We must restore the office of Selectman to a constituent service that is inclusive of ALL the Townspeople. Where “Request For Proposal’s” are presented after the local community has been completely vetted and actively involved in the project from the jump. This kind of participatory governance will see a harmonious relationship between all parties bringing about community development which will create jobs and improve the lives of the abutters and neighbors.

I ask for your vote and if you honor me with your vote, I pledge never to take your support for granted.  In this way, I can devote to each and every one of you a respond to your concerns, for it is you, who hired me.

I will continue campaigning by being out there with you, the people, asking each of you for your ideas, and sharing my own. Unfortunately, I was hampered briefly from campaigning as I would have liked due to a positive biopsy for cancer, subsequent successful surgery and a viral infection that took me of my footing for a while.

I ask you to honor me with your vote and your support. Most importantly, please continue to share your ideas and opinions with me. If one person can make a difference, think what a unified community can accomplish.

News/Reporters: You can contact me at any of the following:  Internet – – , Telephone: 617-698-4333 (Home), Cell: 617-620-0441, Regular Mail:  149 Warren Ave, Milton MA 02186-2009.

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