Mike Zullas announces run for Prec 4 Town Meeting Member

Declaring that he seeks “to use my experience in Milton’s government and my background as a prosecutor and in business to be an effective voice for our neighborhoods,” Mike Zullas has announced his candidacy for Town Meeting Member from Precinct 4.

Mike Zullas

Zullas, who resides at 69 Fairbanks Road with his wife Marianne and two young daughters, says that his recent service on the Town’s Warrant Committee and Capital Improvements Planning Committee has left him “acutely aware of the challenges of the current economic climate and the impact on our Town’s finances and services.” Zullas believes that Milton’s response to these challenges will shape the community’s future – not only in the coming months and years, but for the ensuing decades: “Just as we are the beneficiaries of the steps taken by our Milton forebears in years past,” he said, “So too must we ensure that our children and grandchildren enjoy the fruits of the decisions that we make today – safe neighborhoods, good schools, and efficiently run Town services.”

A graduate of Williams College and Vanderbilt Law School, Zullas has worked in the public sector as a prosecutor in the Attorney General’s public corruption unit and in the private sector with both small businesses and multi-national corporations as a lawyer. He said that he takes “the breadth of these professional experiences to each new endeavor, and they, along with my roles as husband and father, would help shape my service as a Town Meeting Member.”

Acknowledging the immutable law of alphabetical order, Zullas asked Precinct 4 voters “to look for the last name on the ballot” when casting their votes. “I would welcome the opportunity to serve as a voice for our neighborhoods,” he said, “And I respectfully ask for one of your eight votes for Town Meeting Member on April 26.”

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