Milton Republican Town Committee launches new program on MATV

Milton Access TV, our local access station, will have a new program. The Milton Republican Town Committee (MRTC) has launched Milton Republican TV (MRTV), a cable broadcast program on Milton Access Television, as announced today by MRTC Chairman Robert Hiss.

The inaugural program, “Understanding Town Government” features Hiss as host and Town Clerk James Mullen as guest. The broadcast airs on Comcast channels 8, 10 and 22 or RCN channels 3, 13, and 15 on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. through April 21.

A schedule of future programs will be found at after April 21.

“MRTC views MRTV as a way to contribute to our community and to help ensure healthy public discourse,” stated Hiss. “We look forward to engaging more residents in town government, and to presenting the conservative point of view in matters surrounding local government.”

The first program was developed in conjunction with the Town’s upcoming elections on April 26. “Understanding Town Government” discusses the structure and operations of Milton’s government. Mr. Mullen, who is interviewed by Bob Hiss, has more than 39 years of serving local government and is currently Town Clerk and a Town Meeting Member. He outlines the structure and function of local government and offers insight on the positions and processes that determine the Town’s direction.

“Even many longtime residents don’t know what the Warrant Committee is or how many town meeting members there are,” said Mullen. “This program seeks to provide information to help residents better understand the roles of the people they will be voting for this month.”

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