Brookwood Community Farm Launches Education Series

from Brookwood Farm

Home vegetable gardening is rising rapidly in popularity and Milton’s Brookwood Community Farm is ready to help community members start growing.  The farm recently announced the launch of an education workshop series called “Bringing Home the Farm: Home-scale Growing, Cooking and Food Preservation.”  The workshops, which will run throughout the spring, summer, and fall, will cover topics such as starting or expanding an organic garden as well as traditional homesteading activities such as canning, pickling and keeping backyard chickens. The workshops will primarily take place at the farm in the Blue Hills Reservation.  The series kicks off with Starting an Organic Garden on Saturday, May 7th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the farm.

Brookwood Community Farm has been farming organically and running a Community Supported Agriculture program on the historic Brookwood Farm property within the Blue Hills since 2006, but this is the first year that the farm will offer a wide assortment of educational workshops.  Explains Farm Manager, Judy Lieberman: “Community and farm members have been asking us for more information about growing their own food.  We listened, and now we are offering these workshops in hopes that the farm can serve as more than a resource for organic produce, but as a site for education about how to grow your own food and many of the traditional skills that people can use to eat locally year-round.”

Workshops will reflect the growing season, offering garden planning workshops in spring to coincide with the farm’s annual seedling sale, a canning workshop at the peak of tomato season, and a winter growing workshop in the fall to help new gardeners extend the life of their gardens.  All workshops will be participatory and will be taught by the Brookwood farmers and other experienced individuals such as professional chefs and culinary educators.

More information about the workshop series, including a full list of workshop and descriptions and registration information is available on the farm’s website:

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