Collicot PTO sponsoring community wide event to support earthquake / tsunami relief effort

The Collicot Parent-Teacher Organization is sponsoring an event to help support the earthquake and tsunami relief effort in Japan. The entire Milton Public Schools community is being asked to attend “Paper Cranes for Japan” at the Milton Public Library on Wednesday, April 6 from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. The project is an effort by Students Rebuild and, which are national organizations to help young people give to causes they care about. The goal to build 100,000 paper cranes for Japan. The Bezos Family Foundation , which sponsors Students Rebuild, has pledged to make a $200,000 donation–$2 for every crane that is received—to Architecture for Humanity’s reconstruction efforts in Japan. Collicot PTO’s goal is to make 1,000 cranes, which would translate into $2,000.

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