Fontbonne celebrates the dramatic arts!

from Fontbonne Academy

Congratulations to Mrs. Carol Emma-Fortier, Chairperson of the Fontbonne Academy Fine Arts Department, and the engine behind each and every Fontbonne Academy dramatic production for the past twenty years. To celebrate this career highlight, Mrs. Fortier hosted a reunion of all alumnae involved in the dramatic arts since the early 1980s. Alums were treated to a reunion in the cafeteria which was decked out in memorabilia from every show since 1981.

About 40 local alums returned to Fontbonne for this special reunion which was followed by a photo on the set of the current play at Fontbonne Academy, Anything Goes. They also were given premium seating for the 2 p.m. final show.

“It was great to come out and see other alums at this reunion. My drama days at Fontbonne were some of my best. Mrs. Emma-Fortier’s attention to detail makes each show just like a Broadway production,” said Patty Toland ’83, now member of the Board of Trustees.

At the end of the show on Sunday, Mary Ellen Barnes, Head of School, honored Mrs. Emma-Fortier with flowers and recognized her many years of dedication to the Fontbonne Academy dramatic arts. “Carol has a passion for music and theater, and has helped hundreds of Fontbonne students find their passion and themselves. Carol, You’re the Tops.”

Mrs. Carol Emma-Fortier receives flowers to honor her twentieth musical at Fontbonne Academy from Head of School, Mary Ellen Barnes

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